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Jellyfish Action Library

The action library consists of a set of actions with which the system provisions workers.


Below is an example how to use this library:

import { cardMixins } from '@balena/jellyfish-core';
import ActionLibraryPlugin from '@balena/jellyfish-action-library';

const plugin = new ActionLibraryPlugin();

// Load cards from this plugin (this will just include the action cards)
const cards = plugin.getCards(context, cardMixins);
// Load the action handlers, keyed by action slug.
const action = plugin.getActions(context);


Publish Documentation

Visit the website for complete documentation: https://product-os.github.io/jellyfish-action-library


Unit tests can be easily run with the command npm test.

The integration tests require Postgres and Redis instances. The simplest way to run the tests locally is with docker-compose.

$ git secret reveal
$ npm run test:compose

You can also run tests locally against Postgres and Redis instances running in docker-compose:

$ git secret reveal
$ npm run compose
$ export INTEGRATION_GOOGLE_MEET_CREDENTIALS=$(cat .balena/secrets/integration_google_meet_credentials)
$ export MAILGUN_TOKEN=$(cat .balena/secrets/mailgun_token)
$ REDIS_HOST=localhost POSTGRES_HOST=localhost npx jest test/integration/actions/action-ping.spec.ts

You can also access these Postgres and Redis instances:

$ PGPASSWORD=docker psql -hlocalhost -Udocker
$ redis-cli -h localhost

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